10+1 Things To Do At Home

Hello everybody! I hope you are all well and safe! It’s been a long while since I last posted here! Since October 2018 to be exact. I sadly haven’t had much time or motivation to blog this past year but it’s one of my 2020 resolutions to start again and since I’m currently not working and staying at home (as all of us who are able to should do) I figured now is the perfect opportunity to get blogging again!

I know these are very hard times we’re all going through right now. I honestly feel like I’m living in a dystopian novel, as I’m sure many of you do. But I think it’s vital that we all stay positive and find the bright sides during this very difficult situation. I know it may be extremely hard some times, and that some days may be far worse than others, but it’s extremely important to have hope and take care of ourselves both physically and mentally! This will pass too, and hopefully the world will be a batter place when we return to it and are able to heal and leave the bad behind.

So since most of us are currently staying at home and have plenty of time to fill (I certainly have much more than usual), I figured it would be a nice idea to share some ideas about stuff that we can do indoors. I think it’s important to keep ourselves busy right now and to find distractions, so without further ado here are 10+1 things that we can all do at home:



As an undeniable bookworm, reading is definitely on the top of my list! Us bookworms are always complaining about not having enough time to read all the books we want to so this is the perfect opportunity for us to tackle our TBRs. I have to admit mine is way out of control! Half the books on my shelves are probably unread so I’m hoping I will manage to get to as many of them as possible before it’s finally time to get back to work! It’s impossible to read all of them of course (that would take years to be honest) but there are a few that are high priority on my list and I will be starting with them first!



Just like my reading time, my writing time is quite limited, too. I’ve been working on a couple of drafts for the past year and I’m really hoping I will get to make some progress with them. If you are a writer too, you might want to take this quiet time as an opportunity to focus on your writing. I may or may not have been inspired a bit about this whole dystopian situation to work on my dystopian novel. Camp NaNoWriMo is also approaching in April so it will give us writers the perfect motivation to write even more!

Even if you are not a writer, you can always try your hand at writing something and I think it will give you something creative to do to fill the time. You could try writing down your thoughts or feelings about the situation we’re in right now, start a diary or even try writing a short story. Who knows? There may be a writer inside you waiting to come to the surface!

Start A Journal


If you don’t feel like keeping a proper diary, you could start journaling instead. I am extremely fond of bullet journals and used to create my own before I started using the awesome reading planners I’ve acquired through a few book boxes! Journaling can help you keep track of your daily activities at home and establish a routine which I think is extremely important to help us maintain some normality during a not so normal time. I always like to keep myself busy with various activities during the morning and then write or relax with a book or Netflix for the rest of the day.

Another awesome idea would be to start a journal with all the things that make you happy, whether big or small. You can fill it with happy thoughts every day and then look back on them when you’re feeling down to help you see the bright side! I actually think this is a lovely idea to put into effect even when this whole thing is over. I’m definitely planning on doing it myself as soon as possible!

Rearrange and Declatter

It’s a given fact that I never have enough shelf space. Never! There’s always a bunch of books and bookish merch left lying around the house because I have no place to put them so now it’s time to change them! Rearranging your shelves will definitely keep you busy for several hours or even days and it will also give you the perfect opportunity to declatter them a bit! I’m planning on doing an unhaul soon to make space for new books and while it can me quite hard to part with books, it can also be very satisfying. You can donate them to your local library, to Goodwill and other thrift stores or even try selling them online! Plus, rearranging your shelves may also give you the motivation you needed to bring out the dusting feather and finally clean them up a bit. I always avoid doing that until the last possible minute because there are way too many stuff on my shelves that I need to take down before dusting them and I know it’s going to be a time consuming process. Plus you know, I’m also a huge procrastinator.

This can also apply to cleaning other spaces or parts of the house, too! Now’s the best time to drop the excuses and finally do that major clean up that you’ve been putting off for maybe even months!



If you’re one of those people who love creating in the kitchen, now’s the time to try out new recipes and experiment. I have to admit cooking is not my forte but I do love baking. Not surprising, considering I have a major sweet tooth. Especially when it comes to chocolate. Whether you’re making a grandiose cake or trying out your grandma’s old cookie recipe, baking will help you pass the time creatively and will also end with delicious results! I personally baked some cookies today and I’ve already devoured half of them!

Arts and Crafts


What better time to get crafty and creative? I’d like to say that I’m a very creative person and that’s definitely filled many of my mornings with fun activities! I love drawing and painting but rarely have the time to do either of them, so I was super happy to paint again. You can also try building something, colouring, making origami shapes, redesigning old furniture, anything that makes you happy! Whatever you choose, make sure to give yourself the creative freedom to try out new things and create stuff that you love! If you have little ones at home, make sure to include them in your art or craft projects as well! That way you can make a family activity out of them and you can all have fun together!

For those interested, I’m also selling some printable, colouring bookmarks and art prints that you guys can download at home! Click here to check them out!

Play (Board) Games

If you’re self isolating with your family or friends, playing games can be an extremely fun way to pass the time! I’ve been playing board games almost every night with my family and we’ve been having so much fun! If you’re self isolating alone, remember that you can always play a game while video chatting with others! Truth or Dare is always a great way to kill some time and is guaranteed to give you a laugh. We all could definitely use some laughter right now, don’t you agree?

Again, if you have little ones at home, you can organize fun games that you can all play together as a family. One of my favourites is a scavenger hunt. I guarantee your kids will have an awesome time following clues and searching for stuff around the house!

Binge Watch TV Shows


Luckily, both me and my dad love watching TV shows and have similar tastes so we’ve been binging some of our favourites together! Whether you’re watching by yourself or with someone else, TV shows are an amazing way to pass the time and they will keep you busy for hours or days on end! You can also marathon some of your favourite movies. I’ll definitely be doing a Harry Potter marathon at some point! In my opinion, losing ourselves in our favourite magical worlds is much needed right now!

If you don’t have access to many movies or TV shows at home, you should consider trying out Netflix’s free one month trial! You can cancel it anytime before it ends and you won’t have to pay a thing!

Self Care

Like I said, at times like this it is extremely important to take care of ourselves. It doesn’t matter what you do to self care, just make sure you are giving yourself the time to relax and do things that make you feel good. You can take a bath, work out, do a face mask, paint your nails, have some alone time, anything that will make you happy and help you feel better and take your mind off things!

Make Travel Plans


I know travel is not something that is possible right now but it will be again as soon as this things is over! If you love travelling, it might be fun to organize future trips to your favourite destinations and it will also give you something to look forward to for when things get back to normal!

Start Gardening


I know this is a long stretch and that it requires having a garden, but if you do have the appropriate space gardening is something that will keep you busy every day and also bring you close to nature. I personally love being outside and gardening is something I’ve always wanted to try! I think it would be super fun to grow your own flowers, fruit and vegetables! Challenging yes, but also quite rewarding!

And that’s it! Once again, I hope you guys are all safe and healthy and that you found this helpful or at least distracting! Let’s all stay positive and get through this together!


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